


En tiempos en donde la gasolina sube cada vez más de precio, y encontrar estacionamiento se vuelve cada vez mas difícil, Honda presenta este prototipo que funciona muy bien para ser solo eso, y pues no es una moto, ni un auto, parece más un mono ciclo de esos con lo que se hacen acrobacias en el circo, solo que este no es complicado de manejar, ni se requiere mantener el el equilibrio, con un modo de manejo multidireccional.

Según Honda los serán totalmente personalisables, muchos colores y texturas par elegir.

A pero si eres muy perezoso pera caminar hasta tu U3-X Honda tiene la solución el Walking Assist Device , o el aparato que te ayuda a caminar, ¿No eran para eso las piernas? en fin aquí esta.



  1. There are a few things that could cause the crack. Look very close at the crack, if you see any type of chip no maettr how small, it was caused by a rock while driving. You may have had a small stone chip and it did not break right away. Temperature changes cause the chip to crack in some cases. Another common reason is Rust on the pinch weld. It normally happens when the windshield has been replaced and the scratches on the pinch weld were not covered with primer and Urethane. Being a 2005 rust is not real probable. Sometimes glass just stress cracks for no apparent reason. I have put in new windshields and had them crack the next day. Just a defect in the glass. If after replacement it happens again, you may want to find out if the car has ever been wrecked. If a body shop didn’t repair the roof, or "a" pillars correctly it can cause a stress crack. It should cost you under $300 to get it replaced. You insurance may cover some of the cost, however you will have to pay any Comp. Deductible you have. Go to a reputable Auto Glass Company and talk to them. Sometimes they can waive your deductible. It doesn’t hurt to ask. Remember also, that cheaper is not always better. Make sure you get OEM replacement glass. Some after market glass has fit issues and are prone to leaks. The glass cannot be fixed no maettr what anyone tells you. So-called "Crack" repairs very rarely ever work and most Techs won’t even try it. It is illegal to drive with a broken windshield so be careful, the cops will pull you over for it and write you a fix it ticket.