Hi,I also have a cajun spice mix recipe on my site, but I rlealy enjoyed yours. I use the following:Chili powder, 3 TablespoonPaprika, 2 TablespoonsBlack pepper, 1.5 TablespoonsWhite pepper, 1.5 TablespoonsOnion powder, 1 TablespoonSweet Basil, 1 TablespoonJust thought I'd share! Take care!!
Hi,I also have a cajun spice mix recipe on my site, but I rlealy enjoyed yours. I use the following:Chili powder, 3 TablespoonPaprika, 2 TablespoonsBlack pepper, 1.5 TablespoonsWhite pepper, 1.5 TablespoonsOnion powder, 1 TablespoonSweet Basil, 1 TablespoonJust thought I'd share! Take care!!
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