Al diseño retro del Fiat 500 le sientan muy bien las distintas series limitadas. La última en ver la luz tendrá como destino el mercado estadounidense y hará hincapié en sus orígenes. Se venderá con la denominación «1957».
Homenajeando los 57 años que hará el próximo ejercicio el 500, la serie especial presume de una imagen más retro que nunca. Para su desarrollo se ha partido del acabado Lounge y se le han añadido unas bonitas llantas de 16 pulgadas, adhesivos «Vintage», y una pintura bicolor en algunas tonalidades (azul o verde a contraste con los espejos y techo en blanco).
En el interior lo más destacable es la consola en color marfil y el tapizado en piel marrón. Su lanzamiento tendrá lugar la próxima primavera, siempre equipados con el motor 1.4 MultiAir. El cliente podrá elegir entre el cambio manual o automático. Lo que no sabemos es el número total de unidades que llegarán a los concesionarios.
Wonderful explanation of facts available here.
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is "WINNING!"
This is an article that makes you think "never thought of that!"
That's a subtle way of thinking about it.
Surprisingly well-written and informative for a free online article.
Well done article that. I'll make sure to use it wisely.
Check that off the list of things I was confused about.
Life is short, and this article saved valuable time on this Earth.
What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.
A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!
Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!
I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?
Kudos to you! I hadn't thought of that!
I read your posting and was jealous
I'm grateful you made the post. It's cleared the air for me.
It's always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!
Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.
Extremely helpful article, please write more.
You put the lime in the coconut and drink the article up.
That's a subtle way of thinking about it.
Your honesty is like a beacon
Always refreshing to hear a rational answer.
Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real expert.
Your's is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.
I have been so bewildered in the past but now it all makes sense!
Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really helped.