Jeep Mighty FC
No tiene sentido, no me cabría en la plaza del garaje, se bebería mi sueldo en gasolina a la semana, y mi chavala me echaría de casa, pero quiero un Jeep Mighty FC de estos.
Las fotos en vivo del aparato ya las viste de manos de Alberto el otro día, pero dado que probablemente te pasará como a mi, te habrás quedado con ganas de más. Así que el vídeo de los chicos de MotorTrend que te espera tras el salto te quitará el hambre (de momento) y te generará un poco más de ansiedad por probar un trasto con ruedas de semejante calibre. Pena que nunca llegará a la producción.
there is no simple sioutlon 2 ur delema. the main problem is that ur 2.4L engine is really all ur car can handle. believe it or not the car is built around the engine every thing from ur rear axle to ur tranny to ur transfer case will be a problem. these r the manditory changes u will need to make in order to swap ur engine for a 4.0 which is really not worth it. ur rear axle is at most a dana 20 or if ur lucky a dana 35, these r both what i like to call turd axles and theres no way to polish a turd. u will need a dana 44 (like the ones that came optional on the 2000 wrangler saharas). the second problem would b ur tranny, right now u have a ax-5. u would b lucky if that tranny made it more than a couple hundred miles because of the torque that the 4.0 puts out. right off of the bat u would need a beefy ax-15, they make a good combination of smooth performance. i dont know exactly what u would need to do to the transfer case but i am certain that it would need to be swapped out for a better one. save urself ALOT of hassel and just sell the 2.4 and upgrade to a 4.0.
A few years ago I'd have to pay someone for this information.
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
At last, someone comes up with the "right" answer!
BION I'm impressed! Cool post!
That's really shrewd! Good to see the logic set out so well.
Extremely helpful article, please write more.
Grade A stuff. I'm unquestionably in your debt.
A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!
You got to push it-this essential info that is!
The honesty of your posting shines through
Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real expert.
Finding this post has answered my prayers
No more s***. All posts of this quality from now on
I went to tons of links before this, what was I thinking?
We need a lot more insights like this!
I searched a bunch of sites and this was the best.
A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!
Superbly illuminating data here, thanks!
What a pleasure to meet someone who thinks so clearly
Thanks for contributing. It's helped me understand the issues.
So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.
I really needed to find this info, thank God!
IJWTS wow! Why can't I think of things like that?
Good point. I hadn't thought about it quite that way. 🙂
Gosh, I wish I would have had that information earlier!
Ah, i see. Well that's not too tricky at all!"
Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.
I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.
Appreciation for this information is over 9000-thank you!
Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!
I can't hear anything over the sound of how awesome this article is.
Lot of smarts in that posting!