Fiesta ST spy
Aun no podemos decir mucho sobre este hermano menor del Focus ST, tal ves que podría tener los cambios en el volante tipo F1, pero es todo lo que sabemos hasta el momento.
Dentro de lo posible podría montar el motor de 247 caballo de su hermano mayor cosa que lo haría un auto muy peligroso en las pistas, pero o más posible es que monte el 1.6 litro turbo cargado.
It's a pleasure to find someone who can think so clearly
Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
Wait, I cannot fathom it being so straightforward.
Always refreshing to hear a rational answer.
Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!
This article is a home run, pure and simple!
I'm not easily impressed but you've done it with that posting.
Gosh, I wish I would have had that information earlier!
If only there were more clever people like you!
Good job making it appear easy.
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
These pieces really set a standard in the industry.
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
I've been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)
Well done article that. I'll make sure to use it wisely.
I don't even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
I don't know who you wrote this for but you helped a brother out.
I cannot tell a lie, that really helped.
If you want to get read, this is how you should write.
The accident of finding this post has brightened my day
Is that really all there is to it because that'd be flabbergasting.
Too many compliments too little space, thanks!
Of the panoply of website I've pored over this has the most veracity.
The honesty of your posting shines through
You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!
Dag nabbit good stuff you whippersnappers!
Great common sense here. Wish I'd thought of that.
So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.
That insight would have saved us a lot of effort early on.