Vulca S

El Súper Auto de Hungría

Hungría tiene un nuevo súper deportivo y se llama Vulca S, con un diseño, un poco extravagante para los mas conservadores, es un auto que ha tenido un buen recibimiento.

Cuenta con un motor V10 de 630 caballos, que proviene de un BMW M6 con todo y caja de cambios.

El diseño corrió a cargo del diseñador húngaro Zsolt Tárnok, pero esta siendo fabricado por la firma italiana Faralli & Mazzanti

Con un precio que ronda los $473,000 dólares se convierte en un auto que compite directamente con otros súper autos de mayor pedigrí como Ferrari y hasta un Koenigsegg.


  1. >The kimono is betuiaful! One tip that I learned about gaining speed with the harp was to work up to speed by going up and down. It's all about muscle memory, so you have to give the muscles time to learn and time to perfect. For example, I want to play something at 100 bpm. I presently can only do it perfectly at 80 bpm. So I practice at 80. I then move up to say 90 and practice it a few times. Then I go down to 85, then back up to 95, down to 90, and finally up to 100. If intervals of 10 bpm is too much I'll move to 5. but you get the point. If the performance absolutely must be at 100, I may even overshoot to 100 so that 100 seems slow. Your muscles can do it you just have to give it time to build up to it and be strong enough to be relaxed at the speed you desire so you can survive at that speed! Go for it!